Eminem Recalls 50 Cent ‘Covering’ For Him During Drug Addiction

Eminem Reveals That 50 Cent Covered For Him During Drug Addiction Eminem recently opened up about his drug addiction and how 50 Cent helped cover for him during that tumultuous time.

Eminem said of the time when his addiction was getting really bad and how 50 Cent would be by his side and help him through his addiction,

One of the hosts was talking to me and I could not understand a word she was saying. 50 had to cover for me and answer every question.” He continued, “When I wrap it up in a nutshell, I realize that all the heaviest drug usage and addiction spanned only about five years of my life. It’s crazy for me to think back. It felt like a long time when it was happening, but looking back at it now, it wasn’t that long of a time for my problem to explode as it did.” He added, “The strangest and probably the greatest thing that’s happened to me over these past 25 years in a professional sense was getting to meet all my heroes. All the MCs who inspired me coming up.

Which Eminem album do you think is his greatest piece of work?

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