Boosie Badazz Wants Black Billionaires To Create Rival IG App: “Let Me Be The Face”

Boosie Badazz Wants Black Billionaires To Create Rival IG App: “Let Me Be The Face” Boosie Badazz is calling for black billionaires to create a rival to Instagram and he wants to be the face of it.  Boosie, whose account was recently deleted due to a viral video of him slapping a man for a music video, then paying him $500. Needless to say, Boosie wasn’t happy.   “Start y’all own Instagram. Let me get part in the ownership. Let me be the face of it,” Boosie tweeted. “INSTAGRAM IS RACIST(FACTS)#BLACK BILLIONAIRES LETS START OUR OWN SOCIAL MEDIA N LET ME RUN IT #takeawaytheypower THEY MAKE THEY MONEY OFF US [man shrugging emoji]WITH R WITHOUT YALL IM GO FIND [SIC] AWAY,” Boosie wrote in a second message.  Boosie has been a critic of Mark Zuckerberg after his account has been deleted several times due to Instagram’s violations. His posts have included naked women and other NSFW content on his IG Lives.  Do you think there should be an alternative to IG? Do you believe OnlyFans is a solution to Boosie’s problem?